
Producent kompleksowych rozwiązań dla wszelkiego rodzaju produktów do tłoczenia i produktów toczonych CNC.

What are the stretching requirements for cylindrical stretched parts

Precision, a manufacturer of precision metal stamping, drawing, and metal insert injection molding, can customize various precision and complex parts, such as special-shaped drawing parts, deep drawing parts, shell drawing parts, embedded injection molding and so on. Next, the author will introduce one of the cylindrical stretched parts and what stretch requirements it has. In cylindrical stretching, the discharge plate first contacts the plate and presses it hard, the punch descends to contact the plate, and then continues to descend into the concave die. The convex and concave die and the plate move relative to form the plate, and then the male die and the female die are separated, and The master slider pushes the workpiece out to complete the stretching process. The movement of the unloading plate and the slider is very important. In order to ensure the quality of the precision drawing parts, it is necessary to control the operation of the discharge plate to make it contact the plate before the punch to ensure sufficient extrusion force, otherwise the drawing parts are easy to wrinkle or even break; secondly, ensure the pressure of the die slider It is sufficient to ensure that the bottom surface of the stretched part is flat. The stretching design of the composite die is reasonable, which can well control the movement process of the structural parts and achieve the purpose of multi-process combination. For example, the design of typical blanking, deep drawing, trimming and stamping composite molds. Precision drawing parts have high requirements for trimming height and runout. It is necessary to design a special rotary cutting structure in the mold, and use the rotary motion for trimming, not only to ensure the high dimensional accuracy of the trimming, but also the burr and punching of the trimming. The holes and lines are very beautiful. [Related recommendation] Learn more: What are the methods for polishing the surface of stainless steel? Learn more: Manufacturing characteristics of automobile stamping parts molds Learn more: Points to note in the design of continuous stamping dies (2)

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